Research at VyatSU

Student startup "Neskolzin" VyatSU was selected for the industrial university accelerator as one of the best among those presented at the University of Innopolis

  • 28 September 2021, 01:43
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3162

 Now master students Ilya Basharin (InChemEk) and Anna Devyatkova (IEM) will participate in a two-month program, following which the issue of obtaining grants for the development of the project will be decided

On September 13-17th, in Innopolis, experts in the field of innovative entrepreneurship and business representatives worked with teachers and student teams of universities that are part of the Consortium of the Reference Educational Center based on Innopolis University. In total, the consortium includes 461 Russian universities and highschools. The project teams that passed the online selection were invited by the organizers to the full-time educational intensive “Development of innovations in universities: a startup as a diploma”.

The participants of the intensive included the interdisciplinary student team of the Neskolzin (No-slipper) project from Vyatka State University. Today, the developers of anti-slip spray are magistrants of the largest university in the Kirov region: Ilya Basharin continues his studies at the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, and his former bachelor-classmate Anna Devyatkova is mastering the Innovation Management program at the Institute of Economics and Management. The project consultant is Ph.D. Roman Vesnin, head. Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymer Processing.

The VyatSU team managed to interest representatives of the business community, potential investors, with new developments. The Neskolzin project was marked as the best in the Material-based startup category, and the guys themselves received an offer of cooperation from a large company.

According to the results of the intensive, the Kirov team was recognized as one of the 30 best, having passed the selection to the industrial interuniversity accelerator, which will be held online from October 1 to November 30. Business mentors, experts from the University of Innopolis and the special economic zone of Innopolis will work with the participants.

Based on the results of the two-month program, projects will receive up to 10 million rubles for development from investors, business angels and venture capital funds, as well as grants in the amount of 3 million rubles from the Innovation Promotion Fund.


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